Collaborators:    Solo project
Project length:    1 week
Create three pages (as images) for a fictional smartphone app for the city of Gävle which is to be used by either Gävle Teater (the theatre), Gävle Konserthus (the concert hall) or Konstcentrum (the centre for art exhibitions). The app is for the general public, but primarily the app's objective is to reach out to a younger audience to encourage them to visit these entertainment venues which are otherwise dominated by an older demographic. 
Instead of selecting only one of the three venues, I decided to choose an app which combines all three, something I believe would work well in reality, to create an app for "cultural events in Gävle". Using bright and pastelle colours and gradients, the app is youthful, clearly organised and easy to navigate. The main goal of the app is to inform the users of the events taking place and the call-to-action is purchasing tickets through each event's information page.
Page 1 - Landing page
This is the app's landing screen where the user selects what categories of entertainment (music concerts, plays or art exhibitions) they are looking for.

Page 2 - Browsing the events
It then lets the user scroll down and browse through the upcoming events which include a short description and are colour coded based on their categories. A key function this page is the ability to filter on the price, allowing the users to find events for a selected budget. 

Page 3 - Event information
Finally, the user can select an event, for example the play Hamlet, and read more about it. From this screen the user can read about the actors, the critics' reviews, and general event information. It also has a button that leads to the ticket retailer.
App evaluation & improvements
Overall the app seems to work well and appealed to the users. 
Problem areas that could be improved: 
>       The app margins (especially to the screen edges).
>       The text on the yellow background can be problematic with contrast, becoming an issue with inclusivity.
>       Include the possibility of SHARING the event with friends. Scenario: User finds an interesting event but wants to know if friends want to go. Add a "share" icon button on the info page to quickly share on SoMe channels.
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